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Disaster Recovery Framework of the People’s Hospital of Liaoning Province

The Peoples Hospital of Liaoning Province, under the guidance of relevant regulations in the medical industry, actively carries out the disaster recovery construction of medical information system to ensure the data will not be lost and the business will not stop when failures happened. At that time, the hospital need to complete disaster recovery for Oracle RAC environment, and one-by-one application takeover for 30 business systems running on cloud platform, and centralized data backup for 50 business systems.

The People’s Hospital of Liaoning Province built the disaster recovery system with Information2, so as to prevent system breakdown from its own medical system firstly. The whole process of disaster recovery construction is as follows:

1) The hospital core HIS and PACS system run in the Oracle RAC environment of AIX, in which i2Active helps them realize real-time disaster recovery.

2) The hospital realizes continuous data protection for the database of business system on stand-alone machines by i2CDP.

3) The hospital makes real-time backup for PACS image data to the centralized backup server by i2NAS. The amount of PACS image data is 26T, and its daily increment is about 60G.

4) Other business systems of the hospital are all running on virtualization platform of VMware, among which nearly 50 virtual machines realize full-backup protection via i2VP.

5) 30 business systems running in VMware virtualization platform fulfill automatic one-by-one HA takeover with the help of i2Availability.

6) As for the remote disaster recovery, deployed in another local building, the data of the centralized backup server is backed up to the remote disaster recovery site through i2COOPY.

In the future, the demand of hospital for disaster recovery, especially real-time disaster recovery, will become the most important part of medical information management, which is not only the requirement of industry supervision, but also the business security requirement of implementation of “Healthy China” strategy.
